Our country is struggling with herself. Upon many sides people have choosen from one emerged many many
years, even centuries, ago. But their success was not because of the support of the people that made
them climb the ladders. It was their military power with connections.
Uq'Ephywatryschtwgya Dynasty.
They have ruled over nearly 300 years while claiming their power comes from god and their ancestors;
Mauuara Dynasty, which destroyed the newly founded Han'cjan state just after 23 years. Having an
aggressive policy with military geniuses made them gain near-by lands very easily.
Most people have a love-hate relationship with
the Uq'Ephywatryschtwgyaians.
Their strict "Closed-state"
politics makes things harder for people who want to escape from Ephyw'cjan. However, contrary to
their beliefs they let people who want to transfer
goods. Most experts think this is because of
Ephyw'cjan's location in
the world stage. Alone and isolated from everyone else because of
State surrounding them.
That's the reason why still many people believe in
The Uq'Ephywatryschtwgya Dynasty to rule their sacred
lands. Because they believe if they never got a dynasty powerful and open-minded as
Uq'Ephywatryschtwgyas, they would have
simply perished from the land a long ago. Majority of the people think ( % 79 ) that "They have
to be strong in order to continue living in peace with no pressure." according to Mitsczhun Statistics
However, unofficial far-right and mid-right sources claim
the Uq'Ephywatryschtwgyas
lose popularity drastically every year, mainly within young generation.
This is caused because of constant status quo protected by
the Uq'Ephywatryschtwgya Dynasty. Being too good
at their jobs makes younger generation think good about the turks kilometers away from their homelands.
This caused rapid pressure for par ties to align their outlooks with
Globalization and
Turcophilia in
order to gain upper-hand in elections.
Due to political par ties' actions and changes on their
outlooks made
Empress Ug'Ewylithia
Ephywatryschtwgya look down on those so called "Politicians" and
"Leaders" Despite her want to destroy democracy she hasn't done anything yet. Most people and experts
think that she wants to see what her people is thinking than letting her folk live with their awful